Our only picture of Yosemite.
Gary who took the picture saved our night! |
So we left Stockton California with a plan. We had looked into camping at Yosemite and after the government opened it was posted the National Parks would re-open for the remainder of the years as well. However, after the gorgeous drive up out of the valley and paying the $20 bucks to get it we discovered that the camp sites never reopened! So we had to b-line it out of there and get to a state camp ground on the other side before dark. But little did we know that the State Parks decided if the National Parks were not going to re-open the camp sites they should close theirs as well. Ahhh! Why couldn't this have been on the website!! As we tried not to panic we stopped to pray. We took some more random turns once out of the Park and ended up at a great private campground in The Inas National Forest. We got all set up just after dark and had a great meal before hitting the hay early.
Our best camping spot yet...
the bear ate just above the blue chair! |
Lake Lure...Home of the bear camp site.
Man my beard is getting long! |
This wonderful warm night of rest was short lived however. Our slumber was disturbed by the sound of an animal under the tarp over our stuff. Oh no...I forgot to put the food box in the car! What was it?! Was it getting into the box?
Yes is was. It grabbed something and walked 10 yards up a hill beside our site. Staci and I peaked out to see if it was what we thought and sure enough a HUGE black bear was staring into our head lamp as he munched our bag of sugar. We had too much food in that box for us to lose it so I had to get it into the car. My plan was to hit the car alarm to scare him, then run out to save the last bit of food we had for the weekend. HE WAS NOT PHASED BY THE ALARM! He was however, startled by my commanding yelp! (as Lukah called it the next morning) He rushed off with our bread and I took the chance to save the food. I rushed to the back hatch threw it in and jumped up on the roof. This was my plan...if he came after me I would just do the
run around the car routine and yelp again. Haha! He just kept eating the bread looking at me. I was scared for the family so I returned to the tent with the hatchet. We sat and listened to the bear eating the bread as our kids slept through it all! He then returned to the back of our trailer thinking this is where I stashed the food. So smart! I yelped again and he ran off to another site. In all this, the huge black bear broke a car window, turned over a huge dumpster and scared off a couple in a tent. It was quite a night.
Robert our Angel in Red Rock Cannon |
The next morning we woke and went to pay for the site. Once in the office we were told we were in a closed area and had to leave! This was not cool but we did it. Once again not ready for this we had to change our plan and head towards I40. We only had $50 and a half tank of gas. Our check had not been deposited yet and we were nowhere we could sell silver. We travel towards Vegas and ended up atop the high dessert mountains overlooking Sin City. The temp in the valley was 70, the temp at our site...36 with 20 mph wind bursts! We were, however, greeted by an angel. Robert the camp ranger was setting up our tent and comforting Lukah before we could even wrap our minds around the conditions. He was a total blessing. All night we were pounded by strong gusting winds. Once again Staci and I were the only ones who knew...our kids passed out and didn't hear a thing! Those that know our last cross country family trip might remember the Flaming Gorge. This was deja vu. We get up around 6 and quickly got out of dodge. Robert gave us the site for free and handed us $20 for breakfast! You rock Robert.

We found ourselves on the strip by noon and by 3 we were booked into the Clarrion just off the strip. We got the room for $30 a night with my coaching discount! This plus some food drained us of the last of our silver. We now had to wait on this money to be found out of cyber space. 3 days should do it so we tried our best to avoid the sin of it all and enjoying some free shows at Circus Circus, the fountains at Bellagio and the 3D M&M movie at MGM Grand. It was very difficult to be there. A real pull between our hope to be set apart and this elaborate city of man's sin and excess. All and all the stay was ok until I decided to gamble. Not one cent spent in a casino...instead I parked my car at McDonald's, while we took in a show around the corner. I was the only car in the lot...I went in to buy fries...asked the manager if it would be alright to leave it there and trusted the signs were just a scare tactic. The house won. That was a rough night emotionally and tested our emotional strength. Many tears that night.

The next day our money was in the bank, we paid to get the car out and we were on our way east by 10am. This time we had a plan and the money to live out our plan. Comforting to an extent but, very challenging as well. I have some deep thoughts on that if you are interested. We spent a night in Flagstaff visiting my old stomping ground and then found ourselves here in Santa Rose New Mexico for the Sabbath. Once again hotels have been our form of housing these last 3 nights and its been spiritually enlightening to say the least. I say this because as many of you know we are reading the Little House series while we journey cross country. Our lives have interestingly mirrored the Ingall's life. However, one of the glaring differences is our ability to leave Creation and find shelter in the advancement of man. To read the thoughts of Pa and Mrs.Wilder on that choice is challenging every time a hotel room is where I read the pages to our children. The story comes to life in a wind blown tent. The Ingall's story and relationship with the land comes alive when we make dinner over a fire. It has been a life altering decision to read these books during this season. They have spoken to us so much through this journey. Many people have touched our lives, helping and sharing their lives with us. However, these little books have aided so much more in our desired transition out
of the mainstream and back to the basics. We should wrap this journey up next week as we hope to arrive at the Hill's in North Carolina.