Sunday, February 14, 2016

2016 - Where we are and where we plan to be

      This past 2015 was a year a accusation and foundation building for the vision we still strive for through Chrysalis.  As we closed the year down we reflected on efforts and began planning the new year ahead of us.  2015 was a transitional year for all of us.  We spent the year settling into Phase 1 of our hope and took the first steps into Phase 2.  Building the N2 Publishing business and gathering resources has been the priority for us and although behind on our goals we find peace in where we have found ourselves.  Both magazines are doing well and we have acquired all we need to move forward efficiently in both the magazines and Staci's new start-up.
      That said we have added a second business to Phase 2 of our hope.  As a reminder Phase 2 is capital raising to manifest the funds needed to start Chrysalis.  However, serving women will always be our ultimate goal and the priority of each phase of the plan.  This is why Staci has begun to serve women during birth again!  She has been blessed to assist women on 2 births thus far in 2016 and started building new midwifery relationships here in the area.  She has come alive in this new season and I for one can't help but smile when I see her in the midst of this new phase of our lives.  This new business will help us fulfill our outreach hope as well as support the capital raising goals.  We can't be more excited about it!  If you know of a women in the Northeast Ohio Area looking to partner with a midwife for the birth of her baby please give Staci a call at 541-517-4150 or email her at

       The kidos are more than awesome and seem to embrace the chaos two working businesses can create.  We are doing our best to keep them first and one great way we have committed to this is our family's new found love of climbing!  In Cleveland's crazy winters it's been nice to find an indoor activity to get us out of the house and focused on overcoming fear.  Check out one of our little monkies, Niah age 8!

        As Staci and I work towards the vision we have committed our lives to, we hope 2016 can be a year of amplifying Phase 2 of our plan.   That said, we have begun to discuss the final location and cannot avoid the stirring to move out of the Greater Cleveland area. With a farm at the center of this hope we want to ensure we are in a place raising food can be most efficient. This means we must consider out of state and country options.  We are focus on Cleveland for the next 18 months but Cleveland does not seem to be a place we can find encouragement or support for this hope.  Although we see a glimpse of sustainable lifestyle choices here, we find it to be our sister-in-law put it best...hype.  Here ideas like organic, holistic, local, sustainable, craft and renew are more marketing concepts that can help businesses step into the current economic demands than true transformations of thinking and lifestyle.  We hope to find a place where, although most likely a minority, many like-minded individuals support one another for the real reason...needed change.  We do not think we will settle anywhere until this environment can be felt by all those who want to spend the rest of their lives in the midst of this hope of serving women while crating a sustainable economy for all involved!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

On to Phase 2!!

 Hello Everyone!
Just a quick update.  We are enjoying the hot, humid, mosquito filled summer days here in Cleveland.  Well we can't say we don't miss Asheville and Eugene some days!...Well many days.  But fun with family on my parents 10 acres or times on the westside with Staci's folks fills the days.  Add in some new friends and our constant efforts to get Chrysalis started and our lives are full.  We have just reached a big goal in our pursuit towards our outreach!  Every new partnership we sign up into the publications I run goes directly towards Phase 2 of the Chrysalis Plan.  In other words we now have residual income for both our family and the vision we have set before us!  This is a great big step for us and we look forward to getting on the property.  We have been offered a great piece of property for an unbelievable price but don't know if we will have time to make it happen.  Who knows why it was set on our laps but if anyone wants to give us 2 million dollars to buy this Mansoin on a 120 arce golf course let us know ;)

Have to run to a photoshoot!  Have a blessed Fall and hope to connect soon

Niah 8, Analyse, 9.  Cecily 3 and Lukah 5!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Progressing the Cold!

Hello All
I wanted to quickly give you an update on the Dashers!
We have settled in to our brick house which is ok at keeping out the -18deg  temperatures but it is COLD!  Its hard to get things done when all we want to do is snuggle up under the down comforters all day. That said we do get out of bed...usually an hour early due to a 2 year old demanding us to get her milk from her crib.  Well the we part is not totally true. Staci has been a champ hitting the gym every other day at 5:30am.  She is feeling and looking fit.  I'm the guy about to put a mini fridge in there with her so I can get that extra hour of sleep!
The girls are still homeschooling but we have found 2 wonderful co-ops for them.  One is a Classical Conversation group where they learn EVERYTHING in songs!  The other is at an art academy where they learn through, art, drama, dance and music. They are rad and fill our house with song.
Lukah is starting his 100 days of learning to read and Cecily is alway at Staci feet asking to be picked up.  I don't know how she does it.
I'm off everyday in meeting with potential advertisers, meeting with residents to help them share their lives, building ads for our partners, laying out publications, writing samll articles, collecting photo's meeting the photographer at its never ending.  I have to intentionally stop my self at 5:30.
That said I will sign off...its 5:32.  Please go check out the other blog for more about our vision and its progress!

Monday, June 23, 2014

A New Journey in an Old Place

Wow a lot has transpired since the last we blogged!  We really hope all this seemingly random chaos has a divine author and is not just us just missing the mark.  Despite the challenges of it all we are excited with whats up ahead.
As we strive to take steps towards the first stages of Chrysalis we have been looking for a way to raise residual income.  This has taking some patience and long suffering but it looks like the wait is over.  Shane has been blessed with a new relationship and has been offered an opportunity to launch a publication in Gates Mills, Ohio.  This of course is back where we grew up and looks to be a great opportunity.  The publisher and organization N2( is almost too good to be true.  It has been a great process and has provided us with needed encouragement.  The job will enable us the financial freedom to focus on Chrysalis and begin building it dept free.  This has always been our hope!
Wow we are so blessed!
As for what the next few months look like, the Dashers6! are once again in transition.  We will be moving from our wonderful home in Knoxville and have to say good bye to Uncous Chris, Aunt Mimi and Uncle Dave.  They have truly adopted us and our children and will be missed immensely!  We are moving back this coming week while Shane begins to ramp-up for the launch of the publication.  Add in a Master Degree Program and life is a bit full for him.  For now our only focus is to press on and trust that, in the end, we will find balance and peace.  We continue to hope you are drawn to our outreach and once again ask you to join us. Thanks to all who have already joined our team and we encourage all that are on the fence to take brave steps forward towards helping others holistically with your gifts and passion!
We are working on a web page for Chrysalis but for now to find out more please visit its blog at
We welcome  new sister into the family!
Sarah and Jesse were married June 13th.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer in Knoxville

Cecily is a joy!
Analyse is turning into  little lady.
Well we have decided to call Knoxville home for the summer.  We still can't find a peace about this region long term but are taking life one day and one step at a time.  We have had a wonderful home to call ours for the last month and we can't thank Aunt Mimi enough for her grace and love.  She has been a wonderful blessing.  We look to start a new rhythm here soon but first we are off to Cleveland for Shane's youngest brothers wedding.  His wife Sarah is so awesome and we can't wait to connect with the two of them.  We have continued to take step to further Chrysalis Community and Shane has a new job with N2 Publishing to help build relationships and capitol for the massive hope.  We have officially launched the project and are building the investment platform while trying to meet potential partners.  We had the opportunity to head up to Rugby with Lolo and Nana.  Daddy Bob worked on a mural for the old General Store and Shane's help freshen up the cottage with a new coat of paint.  We had a blast as Jordan surprised us all with Adian and Isabelle.  Hit the river in the canoe 5 times!  We can't wait to see where we are come August!

Staci and I had our 10th and she turned 40!
Niah turned 7 in Rugby...what a week!
Lukah and our favorite R2 downtown Knoxville

Monday, April 14, 2014


With this past year of learning and preparation behind us we are now looking to move into the next phase. Finding a home for Chrysalis and our family.  This post will be a resume of sorts for our family as we look to move this coming May.

Hello Hopeful New Friends
We are the Dashers 6! Shane (38), Staci (40), Analyse (8), Adaniah (7), Lukah (4) and Cecily (19 months). We hope you read our other posts to find out more about us but here we are in a nutshell.

Staci Delivers a Baby
in the Philippines
Staci is a Certified Professional Midwife with Associates Degree in Science.  She Is a wonderful homeschooling mom with a passion to help women.  She will be looking to establish a home birth practice in the coming months.

Shane Helping Out in Haiti

Shane is a professional college soccer coach currently pursuing a Masters in Management.  He has a BA in Sports Outreach as well as two Associates Degrees. He is a Nationally Certified Structure and Forest Firefighter and grew up in the trades and is a skilled restoration artist. ( .  While working for a local college he hopes to begin establishing the Non-Profit.

Littlest Cecily (almost 2)
Our children are wonderful, smart, kind and loving.  They have been a blessing to us and will be to you as well.  They have been adopted by all our former landlords and we hope this will be the same in our next home.
Niah (7), Analyse (8) and Lukah (4)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

8425 Miles, 26 States, and Closer to a Dream

 In December 2012 the Dashers6! were faced with a choice.  Staci was so close to finishing her school, but 

the time Montreat took from me was not helping her complete this long 7 year journey.  Added to that we had a huge hope to start an outreach to women someday.  These facts created uneasy questions.  When was Staci going to be able to finish her schooling? Would we, should we try to start an outreach to women?  If so when would we have enough money?  Could we gather enough rescourses to ever start? Could it be done as we coached and delivered babies?  How would we make the time? These uknowns needed to be address.  So we made the choice to take a step of faith and try our hardest to find our way closer to the answers.  We decided to take a needed break from coaching and walk on a different path for a year.  It was an exciting adventure we felt worth the risks. 
Cecily calling the goats"Hi Gokes!"
We spent the first few month learning about urban farming and community living while calling a yurt our home.  This time was the greatest season of our lives and trasformed us forever.  Duing this time Staci was able to finish her class work and graduate from the College of Midwifery.  At the very end of our time there we were offered an oppertunity to move to Costa Rica.  This presented some challenges that eventually couldn't be overcome but it was nice knowing strangers wanted to share all they had to help women in need.  We spent the next 3 months in Ohio hoping to draw some family into our outrageous endevor.  Even though we were uable to sucker anyone in we were able to complete our non-profit paperwork...a huge step in the process. Thanks Dad for the hook up!! This was also a time Staci was able to study for and take her National Assocition of Registered Midwife Board Exam.  Unfortunatly she was not able to pass but will retake the test again this next month.  
Thanks Bobbi!!! 
We spent the remainder of the year traveling around the country visiting all we felt might be drawn to partnering with us.  We visited family, friends, others already connected with the vision and even strangers introduced to us by others.  We had the hope on our sleeve and it was the topic of almost every conversation.  We had some wonderful times on this journey and some interesting challenges.  One can only expect to be side tracked, marooned and out of luck a few times when traveling around the county with four kids in a Suburban! However, nothing seemed to break our hearts desire and our family grew closer during this year long mission.  
Kids continue to study all we saw on the trip!
As the year ended we very discourged.  Have you ever been woken up when transfxed in dream you didn't want to end.  Well that was us.  Floundering to try and fall back asleep and pick up where we were interupted.  However, in the end it was time to wake up and face reality.  Our year was up and our time to dream had come to an end. 
At first this was very tough.  But the more we reflected, all the ups and downs transformed us.  And more and more I feel at peace with where we are at.  To be honest I think it was an extreamly productive year.  Staci finished her school!, She took the NARM and will retake here again soon.  We learned how to farm! We finished all the paperwork for a non-profit.  Our little ones reconnected with all their family and friends.  We saw our country and have so many stories to tell.  We shared our hearts with so many and hopfully planted seeds of hope in many of them.  And most importantly we grew closer as a family and united in how to move forward.
That said we are now in Knoxville TN, staying with my Aunt Mimi.  We love it here!  Its home base while I apply to college that look like good fits for our family.  This was always the plan...take a year and return to coaching if we didn't hit gold.  And even if we did find a way to start our hope, soocer was going to find its way into it somehow.  We are excited at all the openings we have already applied to and look forward to seeing where we land.  No matter where we go next we believe it too will be a step towards our dream of helping women and living on a farm.         
Our Home Base in Knoxville!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Deep Thoughts...From Vegas?

Our only picture of Yosemite.
Gary who took the picture saved our night!
So we left Stockton California with a plan.  We had looked into camping at Yosemite and after the government opened it was posted the National Parks would re-open for the remainder of the years as well.  However, after the gorgeous drive up out of the valley and paying the $20 bucks to get it we discovered that the camp sites never reopened!  So we had to b-line it out of there and get to a state camp ground on the other side before dark.  But little did we know that the State Parks decided if the National Parks were not going to re-open the camp sites they should close theirs as well. Ahhh!  Why couldn't this have been on the website!!  As we tried not to panic we stopped to pray.  We took some more random turns once out of the Park and ended up at a great private campground in The Inas National Forest.  We got all set up just after dark and had a great meal before hitting the hay early.

Our best camping spot yet...
the bear ate just above the blue chair!
Lake Lure...Home of the bear camp site.
Man my beard is getting long!
This wonderful warm night of rest was short lived however.  Our slumber was disturbed by the sound of an animal under the tarp over our stuff.  Oh no...I forgot to put the food box in the car!  What was it?!  Was it getting into the box?  Yes is was.  It grabbed something and walked 10 yards up a hill beside our site. Staci and I peaked out to see if it was what we thought and sure enough a HUGE black bear was staring into our head lamp as he munched our bag of sugar.  We had too much food in that box for us to lose it so I had to get it into the car.  My plan was to hit the car alarm to scare him, then run out to save the last bit of food we had for the weekend.  HE WAS NOT PHASED BY THE ALARM!  He was however, startled by my commanding yelp! (as Lukah called it the next morning) He rushed off with our bread and I took the chance to save the food.  I rushed to the back hatch threw it in and jumped up on the roof.  This was my plan...if he came after me I would just do the run around the car routine and yelp again.  Haha!  He just kept eating the bread looking at me.  I was scared for the family so I returned to the tent with the hatchet.  We sat and listened to the bear eating the bread as our kids slept through it all!  He then returned to the back of our trailer thinking this is where I stashed the food.  So smart!  I yelped again and he ran off to another site.  In all this, the huge black bear broke a car window, turned over a huge dumpster and scared off a couple in a tent.  It was quite a night.

Robert our Angel in Red Rock Cannon
The next morning we woke and went to pay for the site.  Once in the office we were told we were in a closed area and had to leave!  This was not cool but we did it. Once again not ready for this we had to change our plan and head towards I40.  We only had $50 and a half tank of gas.  Our check had not been deposited yet and we were nowhere we could sell silver. We travel towards Vegas and ended up atop the high dessert mountains overlooking Sin City.  The temp in the valley was 70, the temp at our site...36 with 20 mph wind bursts!  We were, however, greeted by an angel.  Robert the camp ranger was setting up our tent and comforting Lukah before we could even wrap our minds around the conditions.  He was a total blessing.  All night we were pounded by strong gusting winds.  Once again Staci and I were the only ones who knew...our kids passed out and didn't hear a thing!  Those that know our last cross country family trip might remember the Flaming Gorge.  This was deja vu.  We get up around 6 and quickly got out of dodge.  Robert gave us the site for free and handed us $20 for breakfast!  You rock Robert.

We found ourselves on the strip by noon and by 3 we were booked into the Clarrion just off the strip.  We got the room for $30 a night with my coaching discount!  This plus some food drained us of the last of our silver.  We now had to wait on this money to be found out of cyber space.  3 days should do it so we tried our best to avoid the sin of it all and enjoying some free shows at Circus Circus, the fountains at Bellagio and the 3D M&M movie at MGM Grand.  It was very difficult to be there. A real pull between our hope to be set apart and this elaborate city of man's sin and excess.  All and all the stay was ok until I decided to gamble.  Not one cent spent in a casino...instead I parked my car at McDonald's, while we took in a show around the corner.  I was the only car in the lot...I went in to buy fries...asked the manager if it would be alright to leave it there and trusted the signs were just a scare tactic. The house won. That was a rough night emotionally and tested our emotional strength. Many tears that night.

The next day our money was in the bank, we paid to get the car out and we were on our way east by 10am. This time we had a plan and the money to live out our plan.  Comforting to an extent but, very challenging as well.  I have some deep thoughts on that if you are interested.  We spent a night in Flagstaff visiting my old stomping ground and then found ourselves here in Santa Rose New Mexico for the Sabbath.  Once again hotels have been our form of housing these last 3 nights and its been spiritually enlightening to say the least. I say this because as many of you know we are reading the Little House series while we journey cross country.  Our lives have interestingly mirrored the Ingall's life.  However, one of the glaring differences is our ability to leave Creation and find shelter in the advancement of man.  To read the thoughts of Pa and Mrs.Wilder on that choice is challenging every time a hotel room is where I read the pages to our children.  The story comes to life in a wind blown tent. The Ingall's story and relationship with the land comes alive when we make dinner over a fire. It has been a life altering decision to read these books during this season. They have spoken to us so much through this journey.  Many people have touched our lives, helping and sharing their lives with us. However, these little books have aided so much more in our desired transition out of the mainstream and back to the basics.  We should wrap this journey up next week as we hope to arrive at the Hill's in North Carolina.                  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

California Cruisin

Wish there were another set beside ours!
That would be cool huh?!
We left Eugene a little later than I planned but it all was good.  As we drove south on I5 we chose to take the kids to the Pacific Coast and see the Redwoods.  We had planned to have a short day down to Redding, California but thought  little detour would be fun.  However, the windy mountain drive was not going to allow us to make it to Redding at a decent hour.  Staci and I struggled to find peace about a finding a camping spot  but the thought of a coastal sunset took our minds off it.  Then the thick winter fog. as they call it, blinded us!   We couldn't see a thing.  We hit the 101 and we hoped we could at least let the kids see the ocean.  Just then we rounded a bend and a beach appeared!  We jumped out and ran to the waves barefoot.  Lukah half asleep was scared at the crashing waves but Niah was there to add joy and laughter to the event.  We jumped back it to the warm car and the thick fog to go try and find the place we would lay our heads. 
                                                                          We took a back road that wrapped around the Redwood National Park to see if a camping stop would...well literally jump out from the fog.  As we drove the prospect of finding a spot dwindled.  There was no campground or camping spots on this road!The thick cloud of fog didn't make it better.  We drove up a steep grade and all at one moment we rose above the thick white blanket.  Around another bend and a sight we've never seen jumped through the thick Redwood forest.  A vista point. We unloaded to get a peak but also take a break from the worry we would ever find a place to lay our heads.  The fog was everywhere below us...a word picture of how we felt. Covered in doubt and worry.  But above it was clear and awesome! We jumped into the car with a renewed hope and a minute later we took a dark driveway into the woods.  My wife was stunned I would drive our trailer into such a compromising would be very difficult to back out.  But then the tunnel of trees opened up into an old abandoned parking lot.  And then there it was, tucked into the Redwood, a PERFECT camp spot.  What a night!

Above the fog...for a little bit at least
We woke up next day to make another step of faith.  We got a reminder of the word picture of the night before as we dove encouragement to rise above the doubt and fear.  We left and again visited the beach...still in the fog and the event took way longer than planned.  But we rose above and pressed on towards Redding.  However, the day took a curve...well a lot of them.  It was 4pm when we realized we were not going to make it to Redding.  This is when we realized we had no real reason to even go to Redding...why was Redding so important?...why were we trying to even get there.  When you only have a final destination in your plans, you can miss what's right in front of you.  This is when we decided to press on and find the next camping spot.  We were in the Trinity River Wilderness and just past Weaverville, a weed crop town, a camping sign directed us left.  As we drove down the winding road parallel to the river we though this could be good.  And was it!  The road dead-ended into a state park campground that was Empty.  We had the whole place to ourselves!  

The Trinity River was thick full of running salmon and we ended up with one our table.  We used the blessing as an home school biology lesson.  We dissected it and returned it to the river and had chicken for dinner. Haha!  We stayed there for 2 days and left to head south...this time with no daily plan.  We knew south on I5 was the hope, but wanted to keep our eyes open.                                                                                                                That lasted about 2 hours.  Before we knew it we were stressing about where to get next.  We were stopping to find out more info.  We were made aware of our funds...$21!  We only had half a tank $21 and some silver.  What to do?  Well we decided to try and get to Lake Tahoe.  Who knows why, but that plan didn't last long.  As we drove through Sacramento we needed to head east on Hwy 50...but 20 miles later we realized we missed it and were still heading south.  We pulled off the road to wallow and get ourselves together.  We decided to head to Stockton and get an hotel room.  Before we knew it we were $140 richer(silver) and in a Comfort Inn. As I write this we wait on a phone call.  I'm a Choice Member and after our reservation call we were offered a trip to Vegas for 4 nights...$199 no stings.  Well we have to sit in one of those 2 hour seminars. :)  If our miracle money clears our account before noon we have decide to hit sin city. This is a true trip of peaks and valleys!  

Till next time     

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hitting the Road Again

Dad and little man during
a perfect Oregon Fall Day
After 5 weeks on the West Coast our time here has come to an end.  We feel led to make another step and head east...well south and then east.  We have decided to return to North Carolina and explore the a relationship He introduced to us right after we left the region this past March.  David, his wife Monika and family found us via the internet and were moved by our blog.  Once we connected it was obvious our families shared a common hope and heart for using the land to do outreach.  David owns 36 beautiful acres at the base of the Blueridge Mountains an hour south of Asheville.  We are excited to see if the land is the home for the vision we have.We leave with just enough money to get us there, and have a hope to trade our Suburban for an RV.  It would be much more comfortable and can provide a temp home while we wait to build a home on the property.  If this property and family are a good fit we hope to build a Cobb home using only Raw materials from the land.  See the link

This is Analyse's Illinois Fun Facts and Iowa Title Page 

We will head south to take I40 across the country this time.  This will enable Staci and the girls to continue where they left off with their Cross-Country Home School Curriculum.  We will add California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and North Carolina to their Trip Books.  The kids were very excited to hear we were headed back to Asheville.  It will mean they get to see their friends Ariah, Ryn, River, Tovah, Ezra, Eden, Esa May!  It was a sad moment when the girls realized they would have to say good-bye to all their friends here...Auvi, Ezra, Susie, Audrey, Owen, Shiloh, Nora, Lucy and Julian.

The girls help press apple cider at a annual event that started
at our home 5 years ago!

Our time in Oregon was wonderful. We came to reconnect with those apart of the birth of the vision and we did jut that.  Our step this direction was taken with doubt and much unknown.  We were confident to start fresh and pursue this huge hope but after 5 years of talks with those here in Oregon we were unsure about their desire to take the next steps with us.  The hearts of all we connected with are devoted to helping others and wonderful blessings to those around them.  However, the current state of the vision, birthed by the dreams of those we came to see, is not something ready for them to move towards...yet. :)  We hope as we continue towards its launch many of these wonderful friends come join us.

Cecily is talking in
 2 word sentences!
Cyrus and Arlo with kids in Crow, Or
We would like to say good-bye and thank you to many who opened their homes and shared their lives and resources with us.  Whit and Holly Hemphill were the best example of fellowship and brotherhood we have ever experienced.  Thank you for everything...we will miss you.  The Tucci's were wonderful and we hope to see them at our place when that time comes!  Chelsea, Chris, Cyrus and Arlo and their zipline were a blast! Devin and Heidi King thanks for your friendship, gifts and I really enjoyed working with you!  Thank you Rice's for providing us a sanctuary upon our arrival here.  Others who we don't want to forget are the Holub's, Shaffer's, Brandow's, and Leach's.  We hope to see and partner with all of you soon.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Is Our Time In Eugene Coming to an End?

My morning prayer view...thats Mt. Love (11,000 ft) in far center.
We climbed it when Analyse was 1 and Niah was 3 months
with Kate Miller/Mader, Uncle Jimmy, Uncous and Uncous Kyle
We now only have 2 days left at the Sanctuary.  A fact that saddens us.   We have been refreshed and repaired during our time here.  Since our departure from Cleveland many false accusations and lies have been used to defined us and the journey we feel called by our Father to take. Our time here has been a place of peace and He has provided us rest.  In fact, I would say for the first time in months we were given the opportunity to sit and wait on Him.  We haven't received much clarity about the direction we are meant to go but, our ears have been opened to more about being apart of His new covenant and this Good News has continued to redefine our relationship with Him. It has been an amazing time of unity as well.  We have spent much needed time with people we have missed so much, and who share a common desire to live a life set apart from this world.  This has been very encouraging.  
The prayer that has echoed from our little Sanctuary into the volcanic range in the distance has been this.
Father please settle us down in the place you have prepared, for us to take in the widow and orphan, feed them your food, teach them your Truth, meet their every need. Unite us with others who passionately want to do the same in attempted obedience to His perfect will.  Over and over we have asked this of our Father in heaven and truly believe He will direct us their in His timing.  Until then we wake up and do the task He has set before us.  It has been a time of abundance and provision.
This past week the girls dove head long back into school.  Staci is still working on review and finishing up their road trip packets but beginning their new curriculum (Shurley) as well.  Lukah too has begun in the learning.  He is learning a letter a week.  Learning all its sounds, words that start with those sounds and how to write it.  As he reached the summit of Spensor's yesterday, on his first solo attempt, he squatted down in the dirt and took a stick...Up the mountain, down the mountain and across..."A"! Staci was filled with joy as we all got  great laugh.  They are all very excited to have had some consistency and we are hopeful our next move will provide even more stability for their learning.  

I have been blessed to serve Betty Williamson.  Our former landlord and wonderful friend who was widowed right before we left Eugene was in need of her house painted. During our visit he amazing, loving son was atop a latter and I offered some help.  I have spent a few hours a day getting it prepped to paint it for the umpteenth time in her 70 years there!  It has been a blessing to love her this way. 
Left, Adaniah's 1st Spensor's Butte Solo Summit. 3 years old
Right, our most recent climb...3 years later


Monday, September 9, 2013

The Horse and Wagon Made It!

From Colorado to Oregon
Newest Cousin Libby!
Wyoming is home to hundreds of
 Dinosaurs fossils 
We left Denver and headed north to Wyoming in hopes of seeing Jonna our long time friend from the Philippines.  She was there when Analyse was born. We cut through a back road and drove over a beautiful mountain pass but, unfortunately she was called to a birth and couldn't meet us.  We hope to see her soon.  Driving through Wyoming is like driving through the wild west.  Mesa's and mountains, rolling dessert hills and steep red rock canons.  It entertained our kids and even provided a lighting storm to drop their jaws! We made our traditional stop at Little America before heading to Utah.

As we crossed the Utah border our little ones dove into school work and it seemed like minutes till we arrived in Ogden to stay with Uncous Jay and Auntcous Jes. Little did we know they lived in one of the coolest stops ever!  A tight canon road running beside a mountain creek was the back drop of their little cabin home.  We had to squeeze in but it felt far from cramped.  We spent the next day on the reservoir paddling and floating.  A memory our kids will not forget anytime soon.
No words to say!!
Next we traveled northwest to Boise where we got to hang out with the Millers, Katie Mader and One Eyed Nick!  The kids got to back yard camp and had a blast with Otto the pound pup. Staci got to catch up with her long time friend and I was blessed to repaint their kitchen.  It was nice to just serve in joy!
We left a couple days later for the land Niah and Lukah were born in...Oregon.  It was amazing to see the response of our kids as we crossed the state line.  Pure joy and peace was in their faces!  We arrived in Eugene and decided to crash at our good friends the King's.  Its wonderful to sit and talk with others trying to take steps towards a life focused on serving others full time.
The Sanctuary...Stonewood.
And today we made the last leg of our journey.  The Sanctuary...or Stonewood.  A home for those seeking His will offered by the Rice family of Pleasant Hill, Oregon. This home has been a place of love for the Rosen's, Svenson's, King's, Reinech's and Shaffer's.  We have dedicated this week to focus on direction.  We would love your help in this! All we desire is to move when the time is right.  Not jump into the next opportunity just to avoid staying in this place of unknown.  Love you all and invite you all to ask questions about our desire to serve women in crisis.          

Friday, September 6, 2013

Home-school Road Trip!

Ohio to Colorado
Packed in but fully equipped with all they need!
Our first lesson for the school year was a lesson of faith and it wasn't just for the kids.  We left Cleveland with $112 in our account and a full tank of gas.  We talked in a parking lot before we left with the family in joyful tears.  It was still a mystery at this point weather we would head west or south but trusted we would get a nudge if we just started moving. Within minutes we were headed west and the step was almost instantly encouraged by phone calls, texts and gifts of money from friends all over the world!  We knew then this trip would be lead by these angels.

In Illinois we stopped to put our foot in the Mississippi and
ended up in Laclaire...can anyone say...American Pickers! 

Once settled in we began the school year.  We dove into our home-school box and created a curriculum in minutes for the next few weeks.  We gave the girls their binders equipped with the tools to learn about each state we traveled through.  We felt we would kick off the new year with review of writing their letters and numbers and introduce some simple geography and history.  Each state page they entered the date and time we crossed the state line as well as noted the state motto. Then we would stop at the first visitor center to ask question or gather materials to complete each cover page.  As we traveled through the state we would point our geological formations, crops and fun facts.  It has been extremely fun and the girls are doing so well.

Arches Museum in Nebraska!
We left Ohio late and had to make our first stop a hotel in Illinois. Thanks to coaching perks we ended up in a king suit with a back door I could  grill hamburgers out of while the kids hit the pool.
Next we took a short trip to Iowa to stay with our Aunt Darr. This is the 5th time the Dashers 6! have trekked across the country and each time we were less in number but always welcomed by Brain, Aunt Darr and their dogs! On this trip Buddy and Sammy entertained our little man and our girls learned how to knit. Thanks Aunt Darr...they are still knitting away as we travel.
2 days later we decided to do a long day...13 hours..  We left at 5am and made a great stop in Nebraska at Archway Museum to learn about the 4 pioneer trails to the west, Oregon, Morman, California and the Pony Express. It was rad!  Just before dinner we arrived in Denver at Staci's good friend, Heather's home.  They have known each other since Niah's age and we have also stayed with them each time we made this trek.  Their 3 year old Miah was thrilled to see her new friends and it wasn't long before our kids disappeared into her little world. Doolie, their pit bull, was again our little man's friend and I enjoyed good music and food with Brian, the man of the house.
The next day we hopped over to Auntcous ZZ and Uncous James' house to meet their new baby Libby. It was such a great time and hope to see them again soon.

We look forward to Utah, Idaho and especially Oregon, but you will have to wait to hear those stories.  Thanks to those who read these!  We love you and hope to hear back from you soon.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Staci Finishes!!

Well she did it.  She crossed the finish line.
In January of 2006 Staci, pregnant, and I traveled to the Philippines to start her in a 2 year Midwifery College and intensive birthing apprenticeship.  Little did we know what was in store.  We can look back and can see poor choices but, we also see good timing and provision. One thing is clear, Staci never believed she wouldn't see this day.  This past Wednesday, Staci took the National Association of Registered Midwives board exam.  This test certifies her as a professional and proficient midwife and is the final step of this process.  It is finished.  No more late nights studding between more paperwork to more papers to write after a full day of raising 4 children!  It is a globally recognized certification and is only given to those who have completed the 2 years of education and an intensive apprenticeship under a experienced midwife. This unconventional timeline enabled Staci to see over 100 births and deliver more babies than the average.  She has been blessed by this process despite the length and looks forward to the results to this test.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Surrounded by family but feeling all alone

One more week before Staci's big test.  She has been so diligent in her studies and we hope she can find some peace this next week to focus her attention on the test and not our lives.  Our time in Cleveland has been full of love but an extreme challenge for us.  My parents landlord doesn't want us here and now makes us park our car down the road when we stay there.  The small 2 bedroom condo of Staci's mom is full of love but not space.  Imagine the 6 of us all crashing in one bedroom every night.  Our transmission is about to call it quits and our brakes are needing to be replaced. We are completely humbled and at the mercy of the next financial demand life throws at us.  We are homeless, unemployed, alone and this time not feeling much love. 
As Lukah calls her "My Best Grandma"..not great but best! She will be 90 this feb.
We still lack soild direction for the outreach and long to know whats next.  We see the vision in our distance but, can't seem to find joy in the day to day.    We believe in the hope and have plans in place but they lack momentum.  With every day, here in this wasteland, our desire to stay committed to the vision, gets more and more difficult.  As Staci and I talk at night we struggle to find rest don't feel united to serve anymore.  We feel lost, alone, abandoned and full of doubt even though we are around people who care deeply for us.  Our hope is this season ends now and find a way to get this ball rolling.

In 8 days we will be freed from whats kept us here in Cleveland but, lack any solid plans to move towards...well, we have no idea where to go next.  I have been working for my father when work is available, and that has kept us busy but really want to avoid the trap of stability outside of this outreach.
Cousin Jay and his new wife Jes.  We love you and had a blast...she spins fire by the way!
Yes we have completed all the paper work for "Chrysalis", our non-profit that will oversee the vision's infrastructure and development.  This has been a blessed process...the only solid thing we have at this point. The vast paper work and all the needed language to secure it were gifted to us by a wonderful man who helps people start non-profits.  We now have to raise the $1000 for the federal filing fee but believe this come once we are offical. Once the federal paperwork is complete we will be able to begin securing resources needed for the start-up.  However, we feel challenged every hour whether or not to walk away from this vision and settle into a life with more financial security.  

We hope there is a stirring in your heart to walk with us towards this huge vision.  We can't do it without passionate people united in its purpose.  Thanks for you friendship, support and love.           

Monday, January 28, 2013

We Did It Again

Hello Everyone Well we've done it. We've fallen off our rocker! Yes its true we sold everything we own again(well except what fits in the Suburban), joined a cult and live in a hut on a farm. Sorry to bust that bubble but only 3 of those statements are true. Yes we have moved on a farm and we have fallen of the doctrine rocker. We do live in a Yurt (and its so rad!) but,  we will never become a part of the Twelve Tribes...however they are amazing people who love one another! We were given the upstairs of their beautiful log Cabin until we can build a bed for the yurt. We are WWOOFing...look it up ( so we daily partake in the farm life here in exchange for organic meals, farm education and 2 rooms and a bath. However we don't feel like volunteers- we have been wonderfully adopted by the community here. ( Shane's days are spent helping on projects around the farm. He works hard everyday. He is pruning a 17 tree apple orchard found neglected for years and just finished putting up a new electric fence for the steer and billy goat. The kids join the other little ones in home schooling activities as well as help prepare meals. Analyse has been asked to help with the chickens and Lukah is in love with the goats. Niah is everyone's favorite and Cecily gets held by all. Staci is almost finished with her schooling and has been busy with births. In fact she just took on her first client and Mom was there to help with the delivery! We have already begun to feel a pull to move on and are planning for whats ahead of us. We encourage you to join us...just sell it all and show up!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cecily Helen Marie Dasher

Hello Everyone! Can't wait to share this with you. First off Cecily Helen Marie is 2 months old already.
She was born on September 27th in our home. Once again Staci and I did it on our own but this time with an audience of 4. The midwife assistant, Analyse, Niah and even Lukah. He was so into it! She has begun to coo and smile, but like her brother HATES the car!
Next...I am no longer the coach at Montreat College. Too be clear and quick it was too difficult for my spirit to find peace there. Our last official day was Dec 31st and we are excited about what's next.
That said...What's next? Well as most of you know, a little over four years ago we were given a vision. Well it's a massive hope that we can hardly imagine being apart of. Mostly because we know nothing about how its foundation works... Agriculture and Livestock. This has led us again to take a step of faith and roll the dice. We will selling everything we own again and trust this vision is the future for us. (Family if you want something let us know asap) We have given our 30 day notice so January 1st is our Go Date! We are praying to meet a man or family desiring to help us. We believe this project already has a farm desiring us to come help manifest the vision. This is just the first step but we know it's one we can't push aside any longer. We need to faithfully walk towards this vision and believe this is the time. We ask you to join us in this really apart. This can not happen without a like minded community deeply invested into it.  We hope you are feeling the call.
  Most importantly Staci is so close to finishing her national midwifery certification. She has been diligently pressing forward with this hope for SEVEN years. All in the midst of 4 children, 2 different countries, 4 different states and 5 different midwife instructors. We don't believe is good to be away from the Asheville area so we can protect the journey and finish the work we started in her so long ago.

Lastly we will be in Cleveland this mid December and hope to see many of you then! Be blessed in your years end.
The Dashers 6!