Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 9. New Town...Last Game

Day 9. We were awoken by the classic train whistle signaling we had arrived at the final stop...Erdenet. We unload the train then loaded the vans and found our way to our new home; an apartment just perfect for the 13 of us. We picked our beds then left for a wonderful breakfast made by Elisabeth, Ian wife, at their home. After stuffing ourselves we left to 2 separate churches. I'm amazed that no matter what country I'm in "Church" somehow seems to be done the same. It's really starting to concern me. Too much tradition and religion. After we went back to rest but most of us caught up on Euro 2012 by watching re-runs and highlights. This decision turned out to cost me...and a few others, for we had a full 90 minute game to play in a little under 3 hours. The 3 hours flew by and before I knew it we were warming up. It was a nice Field Turf surface with all its rubber and the environment was perfect for a match. There were about 100 in attendance and the team we were playing looked set to play. In their new kits and had just finished a week's pre-season there was a vibe in the air. The local paper had written an article about their new Nigerian striker and their hopes to defeat the team from Holland. The game took awhile to find a rhythm and our keeper, Aaron, had to come up with a couple big saves. We survived the half tied at zero. After 10 of clinics on top of games on top of ministry our tanks were empty. We knew our strength was not going to be enough. We had to put out hope in mini miracles for each of us. And only 5 minutes into the 2nd half Bing was not feeling blessed. He was struck from behind and had to leave the venue to get stitches for a deep cut on his head. This meant the old man of the tour would be called on...me. Now we had 2 36 year olds on the pitch and I don't think many thought we had a chance playing this team on a huge international pitch. However, 10 minutes later, Arjan the "other" old man headed in a cross from midfielder Jonah. THe celebration was awesome. This was really his first game and really deserved the goal. 5 minutes later left defender Eric and I had a 4 pass combination down the left side that resulted in a well placed shot to make it 2-0. This was the miracle we needed. I was already exhausted and I wasn't alone. The rest of the game we fended of their numerous attacks. Aaron was amazing in goal and even ensured they missed their penalty. Our souls cheered as we heard the final whistle and were even more excited to know our bodies wouldn't have to brave another game.

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